Fremdspr. Literatur / Erwachsene


Stadtbibliothek Voelklingen

Dieses Jahr: 2
Letztes Jahr: 1
Insgesamt: 3

Autor:Vlugt, Simone van der
Titel:Midnight Blue
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(336 Seiten)
Verfasserangabe:Simone van der Vlugt
Erschienen:London : Fontana, 2017
Preis:11,00 Euro
Standort:Ro III en Vlugt
Annotation:Amsterdam 1654: a dangerous secret threatens to destroy a young widow’s new life. Following the sudden death of her husband, twenty-five year old Catrin leaves her small village and takes a job as housekeeper to the successful Van Nulandt merchant family. Amsterdam is a city at the peak of its powers: science and art are flourishing in the Golden Age and Dutch ships bring back exotic riches from the Far East. When a figure from her past threatens her new life, Catrin flees to Delft. There, her painting talent earns her a chance as a pottery painter. Slowly, the workshop begins to develop a new type of pottery to rival the coveted Chinese porcelain – and Delft Blue is born. But when tragedy strikes, Catrin has a hard choice to make. Rich and engrossing, Midnight Blue is perfect for fans of Tulip Fever and Girl with a Pearl Earring.


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01419535 Ro III en Vlugt 26.10.2021 verfügbar

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